Endless Summer Energy: Ayurvedic Ways To Sustain Radiant Vitality In Hot Weather

By Dr. Puja Shah

As summer peaks, the heat can sap our energy, leaving us feeling drained and fatigued. Ayurveda offers timeless wisdom to help boost our energy levels and increase vitality during this hot season.

The intense summer heat can aggravate the Pitta Dosha, leading to overheating, irritability, and low energy. Balancing Pitta while supporting Vata and Kapha is crucial to maintaining vitality and wellbeing.

Here are some of my favorite Ayurvedic wellness tips for staying energized in the summer:

Food & Drinks

1. Cooling Herbal Teas:

  • Peppermint-Fennel Tea: A blend of peppermint and fennel cools the body and aids digestion. Steep fresh peppermint leaves and fennel seeds in hot water for 5-10 minutes, then strain and enjoy.
  • Coriander-Mint Tea: Coriander and mint help to reduce Pitta and provide a refreshing boost. Boil coriander seeds in water, add fresh mint leaves, let it steep, then strain and drink.

2. Hydrating Foods:

  • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Consume water-rich produce like watermelon, cucumber, and leafy greens to stay hydrated and nourished. These foods help cool the body and provide essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Light, Easy-to-Digest Foods: Opt for salads, smoothies, and light soups to avoid overwhelming the digestive system. These meals are easier to digest and keep you feeling light and energetic.

3. Spices and Condiments:

  • Cooling Spices: Incorporate spices like fennel, coriander, and mint in your meals to aid digestion and cool the body. These spices can be added to dishes, teas, or consumed as a part of refreshing drinks.
  • Avoid Heavy and Spicy Foods: Limit intake of heavy, oily, and spicy foods that can aggravate Pitta. Instead, focus on lighter meals that are easier to digest and less likely to cause heat buildup.

Daily Routine Adjustments

1. Cooling Oil Massages (Abhyanga):

Use cooling oils like coconut or sunflower oil for self-massage to balance Pitta and improve circulation. Massage your body before showering, using gentle, circular motions, to calm the mind and nourish the skin.

2. Staying Hydrated:

Drink cool, but not ice-cold, water infused with mint or cucumber throughout the day to stay hydrated. This helps regulate body temperature and supports overall hydration.

3. Gentle Exercise:

Practice gentle yoga poses and walking during the cooler parts of the day. Avoid strenuous activities during peak heat to prevent overheating and maintain energy levels.

4. Regular Sleep Patterns:

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule to ensure adequate rest and recovery, which is vital for energy levels. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to support the body’s natural repair processes.

Herbal Remedies

1. Ashwagandha:

This adaptogenic herb supports overall vitality, reduces stress, and enhances energy levels. Take ashwagandha in the form of capsules, powder, or tea, following the recommended dosage.

2. Bacopa:

Known for its calming effects, Bacopa helps improve mental clarity and reduce Pitta-induced irritability. It can be taken as a supplement or used in teas.

3. Shatavari:

Shatavari is beneficial for its cooling properties and supports hormonal balance and energy. Consume Shatavari powder mixed with warm milk or water.

4. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera juice can be consumed to cool the body internally and support digestion. Drink a small amount of aloe vera juice daily, but ensure it is properly prepared and free from aloin.


Embracing Ayurvedic practices during the hot summer months can help you stay energized and vital. By incorporating cooling foods, hydrating properly, and following daily routines that balance the doshas, you can maintain high energy levels and enjoy the season to its fullest. Let Ayurveda guide you to a healthier, more vibrant life this summer.

About Dr. Puja Shah, Editor-in-Chief of The Natural Law

Dr. Puja Shah is an award-winning author whose 93 year old grandmother swore by Ayurvedic remedies and practiced yoga into her last days. And so while her education includes 9 years of medical training as a dentist, 3 teaching qualifications in yoga, and dozens of courses in meditation, it’s no wonder that she always goes back to Ayurveda. Puja harnesses Ayurveda regularly with her children and husband Amish Shah, Founder of The Natural Law.

Wellness and Vitality bestsellers

Stock up on our community’s favorite season-appropriate curations for balancing your Dosha, so you can keep your energy and vitality high in the peak of summer.

Currently available to US Customers only

Ayurveda Calming Lavender Bath & Body Massage Oil
  • Benefits: Lavender is known for its soothing properties, helping to calm the mind and relax the body, while cooling down Pitta’s fiery nature.
  • Usage: Use this oil for a relaxing massage or add a few drops to your bath for a calming and cooling effect.
Ashwagandha Wellness Supplement
  • Benefits: Ashwagandha is a calming root, providing calming stress relief for Vata, and enhanced immunity and vitality for Kapha
  • Usage: Take one or two Ashwagandha capsules at any time of day with water, according to your preferences.
Shatavari Whole Herb Supplement
  • Benefits: Shatavari supports overall vitality, boosts immunity, and promotes reproductive health for both men and women. It helps maintain hormonal balance, supports digestive health, and has cooling properties that soothe Pitta dosha.
  • Usage: Take two capsules in the morning to boost vitality throughout the day, or with meals to aid nutrient absorption.