Rejuvenating With Kapha: Ayurvedic Tips for Achieving Balance and Vitality in the Spring Season

By Dr. Puja Shah

Kapha, in Ayurveda, is where the earth and water elements meet. As the spring season is upon us, and the rain and moisture settle into the soil around us, we can see the Kapha qualities of nature.  In balance, Kapha is stable, strong, and nourishing. But sometimes, built-up winter Kapha can flow through our bodies and minds and we can be in search of balance.

Balancing Kapha Dosha

When Kapha dosha becomes imbalanced, it can lead to feelings of sluggishness, heaviness, and low motivation. Here are some foods and herbs that can help balance Kapha:

Ginger: Known for its warming properties, ginger helps to stimulate digestion and improve circulation. Adding ginger to meals or drinking ginger tea can help combat Kapha-related symptoms.

Turmeric: A powerful herb with anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric can help alleviate joint stiffness and promote healthy digestion. Incorporating turmeric into warm drinks or meals can contribute to balancing Kapha.

Leafy greens: Bitter and astringent leafy greens like kale, spinach, and collard greens can help counteract Kapha’s heaviness. Including these greens in salads or lightly cooking them can be beneficial.

Plus sipping on the right healing tea is a wonderful way to come into balance daily. 

Kapha Tea Recipe

To make a blend of kapha tea, you just need  to add the following to water: teaspoon of ginger, 1 clove, a pinch of dill and fenugreek seed, then boil and strain when you enjoy it. 

This tea literally feels like a gentle boost of energy. The spices in this blend helps the free flow of oxygen to the brain, helping enhance circulation so you find yourself feeling those happy vibes all over.

Lastly, you can increase movement for Kapha’s sluggish congestion and dampness. Yoga is a beautiful way to connect the body and mind’s need to balance. 

About Dr. Puja Shah, Editor-in-Chief of The Natural Law

Dr. Puja Shah is an award-winning author whose 93 year old grandmother swore by Ayurvedic remedies and practiced yoga into her last days. And so while her education includes 9 years of medical training as a dentist, 3 teaching qualifications in yoga, and dozens of courses in meditation, it’s no wonder that she always goes back to Ayurveda. Puja harnesses Ayurveda regularly with her children and husband Amish Shah, Founder of The Natural Law.

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