Let me make you a promise: by the time you finish this article, you’ll never see roses in the same way again.
We’ll start with a curious fact: the Ayurvedic name for rose is shatapatri, meaning “a hundred petals,” and its Latin name also means “a hundred petals”.
Ayurveda regards the rose as the queen of all flowers. Firstly because it’s used for various specific ailments in Ayurvedic medicine, including amenorrhea, Pitta-aggravated headaches, and acne. And secondly, because rose is also an incredible addition to your daily health and beauty regimen.
Rose promotes radiant, glowing skin from the inside out, and is said to enhance all seven dhatus, which are the body tissues.
For the face, especially in warmer climates or weather, a few sprays of organic rose water is refreshing and makes for a great toner. I personally love this easy method I discovered years ago. Plus, this spray is tridoshic, meaning it benefits everyone.
What you need:
Another great use of rose is ingesting it as a tea to balance the Pitta dosha and open the heart.
You can purchase rose tea or make your own. To prepare, gently pour 8 oz. of almost boiled water over 1 – 2 tsp. of dried rose petals. Cover and steep for 3-5 minutes. Strain petals from tea and allow the tea to cool slightly.
You can even add rose petals to your bath (my favorite!) and allow the fragrance to calm your mind especially if you are in need of Vata balancing energy.
Lastly, Ayurveda encourages creating a home environment that serves you. The visual beauty of the rose in your home, whether in a central room or on your altar, allows for a sweet reminder to soften your heart, and feel the energy of love.
Dr. Puja Shah is an award-winning author whose 93 year old grandmother swore by Ayurvedic remedies and practiced yoga into her last days. And so while her education includes 9 years of medical training as a dentist, 3 teaching qualifications in yoga, and dozens of courses in meditation, it’s no wonder that she always goes back to Ayurveda. Puja harnesses Ayurveda regularly with her children and husband Amish Shah, Founder of The Natural Law.
Himalayan Rose Tulsi Tea
An infusion of rose petals, tulsi leaves, and other natural ingredients for a soothing drink
Rose Petal Soap
A gentle yet potent natural soap, made with rose petals, shea butter, and argan oil
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