How To Cool Down Pitta Flare-Ups, And Transmute Fiery Emotions Into Peace & Calm

By Dr. Puja Shah

Does the summer heat ever leave you feeling extra cranky, irritable, or impatient?

The Ayurvedic explanation for this is that hot weather aggravates Pitta: the Dosha characterized by heat, intensity, and sharpness.

Pitta, which is governed by the fire and water elements, provides clarity, ambition, and a strong will when it’s balanced.

The problem is that excess Pitta then warps those qualities into negative emotions like anger, frustration, irritability, and even jealousy.

Here are some ways to cool down all those fiery emotions intensified by the hot weather:

Mindfulness and Meditation:

  • Practice Daily Meditation: Meditation helps to calm the mind and reduce emotional heat. Techniques like guided meditation or mindfulness can significantly cool down Pitta’s fiery nature.
  • Cooling Pranayama (Breathing Exercises): Techniques like Sheetali and Sheetkari pranayama are excellent for reducing Pitta. These breathing exercises cool the body and calm the mind.

Dietary Adjustments

  • Avoid Spicy and Hot Foods: Spicy foods can aggravate Pitta. Instead, opt for cooling foods like cucumbers, melons, and leafy greens.
  • Hydrate with Cooling Drinks: Drink herbal teas with ingredients like mint, coriander, and fennel. Avoid caffeine and alcohol as they can increase heat in the body.
  • Include Sweet, Bitter, and Astringent Tastes: These tastes help pacify Pitta. Foods like green leafy vegetables, fruits, and grains are beneficial.

Lifestyle Modifications:

  • Stay Cool and Avoid Overexposure to Sun: Wear light, breathable clothing, and stay in cool environments. Avoid vigorous activities during peak sun hours.
  • Regular Physical Activity: Engage in calming exercises like yoga, swimming, or walking. Avoid high-intensity workouts that can overheat the body.
  • Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get enough sleep to rejuvenate and cool the body. A well-rested body can better manage stress and emotional upheavals.

Essential Oils and Aromatherapy:

  • Use Cooling Essential Oils: Incorporate essential oils like sandalwood, rose, and lavender into your routine. These oils have cooling properties and help to soothe the mind and body.
  • Aromatic Baths: Take cool baths with a few drops of essential oils to relax and cool down.

Herbal Supplements:

  • Aloe Vera: Consuming aloe vera juice can help cool the body internally.
  • Brahmi (Gotu Kola): This herb is known for its calming effects on the mind and is excellent for reducing Pitta.

About Dr. Puja Shah, Editor-in-Chief of The Natural Law

Dr. Puja Shah is an award-winning author whose 93 year old grandmother swore by Ayurvedic remedies and practiced yoga into her last days. And so while her education includes 9 years of medical training as a dentist, 3 teaching qualifications in yoga, and dozens of courses in meditation, it’s no wonder that she always goes back to Ayurveda. Puja harnesses Ayurveda regularly with her children and husband Amish Shah, Founder of The Natural Law.

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From refreshing drinks to invigorating body care concoctions, Ayurveda offers a myriad of ways to cool down. Enjoy 15% off this selection our community’s favorites, so you can stay balanced and lively for the rest of the summer weeks.

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Ayurveda Calming Lavender Bath & Body Massage Oil
  • Benefits: Lavender is known for its soothing properties, helping to calm the mind and relax the body, while cooling down Pitta’s fiery nature.
  • Usage: Use this oil for a relaxing massage or add a few drops to your bath for a calming and cooling effect.
  • Benefits: Bacopa is an Ayurvedic herb known for its cooling effects on the nervous system. It helps enhance cognitive function, reduce anxiety, and promote emotional balance.
  • Usage: Take these veggie capsules as a daily supplement to help manage stress and anxiety.
Yogi Positive Energy Herbal Tea Sweet Tangerine
  • Benefits: This herbal tea blend boosts energy levels while calming the mind. It contains cooling ingredients like tangerine and herbs to help manage Pitta’s intensity.
  • Usage: Brew a cup of this tea at any time of day to enjoy its refreshing and calming benefits.